


Ronnie is a miniature horse that was born in 2016 to her mom Mini Moo. She is youngest of our herd and is up for anything anytime. She closely investigates everything and doesn’t hesitate to stick her nose in your pocket in search of treats. This bad habit qualifies her for the “No Hand Feeding” rule, although she will do her best to get visitors to break it. She is responding well to halter training and will happily follow her leg rehabilitation exercises as long as there is the promise of a low-carb cookie. Ronnie was born with a condition called locking stifle syndrome, which intermittently traps her rear leg in the locked position. While it isn’t painful, it is difficult for her to walk. When her owners had to move, they no longer had land to keep her and her mother. Ronnie’s condition made it difficult for her to be adopted out, and she was in danger of being euthanized because no home could be found for her. Sunrise Horse Rescue stepped in to give the mother/daughter duo the chance to stay together. We are now providing rehabilitation for Ronnie’s leg in the hopes that she will recover enough to avoid surgery.